From Inquiry to Insight in 2023

As we reflect on our work in 2023, we are inspired by our partners in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors whose leadership and vision enable us to work together in pursuit of an equitable and just world where evidence drives decisions for global impact. Together we advanced equity through inclusion, used evidence to drive impact at scale, harnessed real-world data for better health outcomes, and catalyzed momentum for climate resilience.

Advancing equity through inclusion

At Mathematica, we know that the way to drive equitable outcomes begins with modeling inclusive practices internally. This better positions us to work with our clients and partners more collaboratively and equitably. Our capacity to address inequities is enhanced when we work in partnership with communities.
The most significant challenges facing society today are also the most complex. They can't be addressed by a single organization or sector, which is why we don't go it alone. As 2023 comes to a close, we are inspired by our partners in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. And as we move into the new year, we are excited to continue working together to take on new and lingering challenges as we collectively seek to promote an equitable, just, and evidence-driven world.
Paul Decker, president and chief executive officer at Mathematica

Using evidence to drive impact at scale

When organizations incorporate evidence-building into their strategies, culture, and processes, progress is possible at a much larger scale. This year we collaborated with our partners to use evidence and evidence-building tools and technologies to advance equity and enhance well-being.
We wanted to make sure that the evidence was going to be used. We don't always have the time to actually spend working with the key stakeholders who are going to use the evidence to implement it, and to help them think about how to put it into action in their activities and interventions. And so that's what we are working to do now.
Melissa Chiappetta, senior education advisor with the Office of Regional Sustainable Development within USAID's Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean

Real-world evidence for better health

Health data are more abundant and available than ever before. They also tend to be inconsistent, siloed, and disorganized, making it difficult to extract valuable insights that could help lower cost and improve well-being. Harnessing vast data sources, advanced analytics, and our deep health care policy experience, we work with our clients and partners to surface real-world evidence that minimizes risk on their data journey, enables exploration, and fosters innovation.
Bringing diverse voices to the table and people from communities that are most affected to define what we should actually be looking for as outcomes at endpoints, and then that's a real opportunity for having this conversation as we're developing these tools.
Deliya Banda Wesley, senior director of health Equity at Mathematica

Catalyzing momentum for climate resilience

Challenges from extreme weather, rising temperatures, diminished air quality, and other environmental issues intersect with nearly every facet of daily life—from physical and mental health, to food security, energy, employment, and so much more. These challenges require collaborative and creative problem solving to adapt. We are working with our partners across sectors to uncover data-driven insights that inform climate solutions and investments, catalyzing momentum for climate resilience for all communities—especially disadvantaged communities that are at disproportionate risk.
As we know, the U.S. has been dealing with a shortage of affordable housing for decades, and it gets more critical after a disaster.
Maria Caridad "Cari" Palerm, regional relocation specialist at U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

2024 and beyond

As we look ahead to 2024, our mission to improve public well-being has never felt more important. We face an uncertain future with new risks posed by climate change and emerging public health threats. But across the globe, our partners in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors give us hope. Their drive to tackle the most serious and confounding problems of the day—from racism and poverty to infectious disease outbreaks and extreme heat—inspire us and enable us to join the fight by shedding light on which solutions work best and for whom. Together, we will continue striving for an equitable and just world where people are at the center and evidence drives decisions.

See Clearly. Act Quickly.

From local to global challenges in health, human services, and international development, we’re here to improve public well-being and make progress together. Learn more about becoming a Mathematica client or partner.

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