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Contact Us

Find general contact and office location information below. Also, stay connected and up-to-date by signing up for email updates, following us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, and subscribing to our On the Evidence podcast on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, or Spotify.

General Contact:

General Inquiries

(609) 799-3535


Send an RFP


(609) 275-2350

Media Inquiries

(202) 838-3618

Human Resources

(609) 716-4550


Ann Arbor

220 East Huron Street,
Suite 300
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1912
(734) 794-1120
Fax: (734) 794-0241


955 Massachusetts Avenue,
7th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 301-8967
Fax: (617) 491-8044


111 East Wacker Drive,
Suite 3000
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 994-1002
Fax: (312) 994-1003


505 14th Street,
Suite 800
Oakland, CA 94612-1475
(510) 830-3700
Fax: (510) 830-3701

Washington, DC

1100 First Street, NE, 12th Floor
Washington, DC 20002-4221
(202) 484-9220
Fax: (202) 863-1763

Princeton Survey Operations Center

P.O. Box 2393
Princeton, NJ 08543-2393
(609) 897-7495

Street Address for NJ Deliveries:
600 Alexander Park, Suite 100
Princeton, NJ 08540

EDI Global, United Kingdom

P.O. Box 78469
London, SE15 9LU, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 2039 883 667

EDI Global, Tanzania

P.O. Box 393, Kibeta, Bukoba,
Kagera Region, Tanzania
Tel: +255 (0)736 200 059

EDI Global, Uganda

P.O. Box 3213
Kampala, Uganda

EDI Global, Kenya

P.O. Box 40612, Nairobi
Westlands District, Kenya
Tel: +254 114 764 957

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