Scott Richman
Human Services

Scott Richman

Senior Researcher

Scott Richman has extensive experience in managing data collection activities, designing survey instruments and interview protocols, and conducting qualitative interviews for education and family-related projects.

He currently contributes to a number of notable education projects. He directs a project for the Kellogg Foundation, which will help the foundation understand the extent to which grantees’ activities align with its Theory of Change and identify what data, information, and best practices it has supported through its programming. As deputy survey director for the Gates District-Charter Collaboration Evaluation, he is helping to design the teacher and principal surveys and teacher focus group interview protocols and coordinate the applications to conduct research in district grantees. Richman is also the implementation study director for the Kauffman School evaluation, for which he oversees the survey data collection for students, teachers, and parents. His work on the landmark Middle Grades Longitudinal Study focuses on developing the student questionnaire that will be administered to a nationally representative sample of students in grades 6-8.

Richman, who joined Mathematica in 2012, has a Ph.D. in human development and social policy from Northwestern University.

  • Survey design
  • Survey data collection
  • Cognitive interviewing
  • Qualitative interviews and focus groups
Focus Area Topics
  • Early Childhood
  • Systematic Evidence Reviews
  • Education
  • School Choice and Charters
  • Family Support
  • Youth Development
  • Human Services

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