Sarah Humpage Liuzzi

Sarah Humpage Liuzzi

Senior Researcher

Sarah Humpage Liuzzi has expertise in the design of experimental and nonexperimental impact evaluations. Her work focuses on education, health, and early childhood development in developing countries. She is also interested in the role of information technology in development.

Liuzzi leads implementation of an experimental evaluation of approaches to using assessment to promote learning in Honduras. The project examines continuous formative assessments that give teachers feedback on their students’ performance and summative end-of-grade assessments to measure what students have learned. Liuzzi is also leading the analysis of an impact evaluation of the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at the university level, a scholarship program that spans 4continents and 20 university partners.

Liuzzi, who joined Mathematica in 2013, helped develop the curriculum for the CLEAR Secretariat’s advanced course on impact evaluation methods for policymakers, which she and co-instructors taught to policymakers across Africa and Asia. A book based on this curriculum, to be published by the World Bank, is forthcoming. Liuzzi has also published technical notes and working papers at the Inter-American Development Bank, and articles in peer-reviewed journals, including Economics of Education Review and the Journal of Health Economics. She is a reviewer for Economics Letters and Economics of Education Review. Liuzzi holds a Ph.D. in applied economics from the University of Minnesota.

  • Child development
  • Child health
  • Information technology for development
Focus Area Topics
  • Global
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Education and Workforce Development

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