Kirsten Barrett

Kirsten Barrett

Principal Researcher

Kirsten Barrett has expertise developing and testing clinical quality measures. Recent measures have focused on topics such as depression, antipsychotic use, diabetic foot care, symptom burden among patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and survival among patients with NSCLC. She is well versed in the National Quality Forum endorsement process and has successfully presented measures under endorsement consideration. Her work has primarily focused on health care access and quality, patient safety, health information technology, and services for the underserved, including those with disabilities.

Barrett is a skilled survey researcher and has significant experience designing and implementing multimode data collections. She was the survey director for the Partnership for Patients National Evaluation and deputy survey director for the Children’s Health Insurance Plan 10-State Evaluation. She previously led instrument design on one of Mathematica’s largest disability-related projects, the National Beneficiary Survey. She has also served as survey director on studies related to residential treatment for youth with emotional disturbances, health information technology, and the supply and demand for clinicians treating people with HIV/AIDS.

Barrett reviews manuscripts for the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, Women’s Health Issues, and Health Policy. Her work has been published in Women’s Health Issues, Accountability in Research, the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, the Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, and the American Journal of Health Promotion. She presents regularly on topics related to quality measurement and holds a Ph.D. in education from Virginia Commonwealth University.

  • Clinical quality measure development and testing
  • Health care access, quality, and services for the underserved
  • Electronic health record data and health information technology
  • National Quality Forum endorsement activities
  • Questionnaire design and secondary data analysis
  • Web-based data collection
Focus Area Topics
  • Health
  • Delivery System Reforms
  • Health Information Technology and Analytics

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