Diana McCallum
Human Services

Diana McCallum

Vice President, HHS - Human Services

Diana McCallum’s research spans the education and family support topics. She specializes in evaluation technical assistance and conducting systematic reviews to inform policy.

She currently provides evaluation technical assistance to Performance Partnership Pilot (P3) grantees who are conducting experimental, quasi-experimental, and implementation evaluations of programs to serve disconnected youth. McCallum has also contributed her expertise to several systematic review efforts, focusing on both identifying high-quality studies and synthesizing findings for various audiences. In addition, she oversees protocol development and reviews for a systematic review of school choice policies and the effects on students that are accepted into schools of choice, and those who do not participate.

Before joining Mathematica, McCallum worked for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Education as a research analyst, overseeing federal systematic reviews and national evaluations. In 2010, she was the recipient of the Society for Research on Adolescence’s Best Journal Article award for Parent Involvement in Middle School: A Meta-Analytic Assessment of the Strategies that Promote Success. She holds a Ph.D. in developmental psychology and a certificate in education policy from Duke University.

  • Evaluation technical assistance to carry out experimental and non-experimental studies
  • Education research
  • Using evidence to drive decision-making
  • Teen pregnancy prevention
Focus Area Topics
  • Early Childhood
  • Systematic Evidence Reviews
  • Education
  • Effective Data Use
  • Strengthening and Disseminating Research
  • Labor: Strengthening and Disseminating Research
  • Family Support
  • Youth Development
  • Human Services

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