Denise Hoffman
Human Services

Denise Hoffman

Principal Researcher

Denise Hoffman’s research focuses on disability policy, including program participation, employment, health, health care, and the well-being of people with disabilities. She uses a range of quantitative, qualitative, and community-based participatory methods to study these and related topics.

Hoffman analyzes initiatives intended to help people with disabilities become self-sufficient or access services. She currently directs an evaluation of the Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) Ticket to Work program and previously directed Mathematica’s evaluation of SSA’s Benefit Offset National Demonstration. She has conducted several investigator-initiated studies of SSA overpayments. Her past and current work includes analyses of state long-term service and support delivery, analyses of housing for people with disabilities, and the provision of equity-related technical assistance. Her research has been published in numerous journals and cited in congressional testimony as well as major news outlets.

Hoffman joined Mathematica in 2010 and holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a member of the National Academy of Social Insurance. 

  • Program evaluation
  • Disability policy analysis
  • Social Security overpayments
Focus Area Topics
  • Human Services
  • Disability
  • Economic Well Being and Income Support
  • Employment and Training
  • Long-Term Services and Supports

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