Surveys and Data Collection

Rigorous data collection and sampling that support evidence-informed action

We operate an in-house, full-service data collection and survey operations center to support our clients’ information-gathering needs. Our survey and data collection team is supervised by senior survey managers. It includes more than 400 on-call interviewers, locators, coders, editors, and data entry operators with access to a network of thousands of field interviewers that use the best practices in survey research to collect high quality data. We can conduct complex surveys in multiple languages and can communicate with hard-to-reach populations. We get answers from the people our clients need to hear from to make their programs a success.

Get the answers you need to make progress.

Connect with one of our data collection experts to see how we can help you gather the right data to answer your most pressing questions.


Data collection capabilities

Computer-assisted personal interviewing surveys with hard-to-reach populations
Abstraction of data from financial, medical, service use, and education records
Capacity to establish satellite offices around the globe as needed
Collection of biomarker and environmental samples, and measurement of nutritional intake
Structured assessments, such as student and trainee learning and educational testing
Qualitative and observational data collection, in person or via video
Creation of public use data sets that meet high standards for confidentiality

Careful survey design means objective and accurate results.

Our survey specialists and data scientists use statistical weighting and sampling methods that maximize the quality of data collection. We design surveys to obtain the most accurate answers to your questions while minimizing respondent burden. We design small and large-scale surveys for multiple sectors and industries, and we are experts at connecting with hard-to-reach participants, including those with communication disabilities, youth and the elderly, and those for whom English is not a primary language. We carefully test survey questions and design and implement samples. Once our surveys are complete, our data analytics experts analyze results and extract insights.

Related Solutions

Let’s make progress together.

Partner with us at the intersection of data science, social science, and technology to progress from inquiry to insight to impact. Our evidence-informed solutions empower you to see clearly and act quickly.

Evaluation Design

Evaluation Design

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Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics

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Data Visualization

Data Visualization

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Data Management

Data Management

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