The Effects of Healthy Davis Together: A COVID-19 Response Program



R. Vincent Pohl

Xindi (Cindy) Hu

John Hotchkiss

Ian Huff

Hanzhi Zhou

Divya Vohra

Key Findings

  • In the first 16 months of the program, Healthy Davis Together helped prevent 4,144 cases of COVID-19, which averted 275 hospitalizations and 35 deaths related to COVID-19.
  • The program increased the share of Davis residents who got fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • The program increased the share of Davis residents who tested at least once and increased the average number of times residents reported being tested for COVID-19.
  • A cost-benefit analysis showed Healthy Davis Together was highly cost effective. The program spent $34.1 million on activities in Davis through January 2022 (with more than three-quarters of that spending driven by clinical testing costs), but the Davis community accrued an estimated $112.7 million in savings through wages retained from averted cases, health care costs avoided from averted hospitalizations, and the value created by the years of life preserved from averted deaths.
Josh Chapman and family at testing center.

Josh Chapman and family at testing center

Photo By: Sue Peri

Mathematica’s independent evaluation of Healthy Davis Together—a local pandemic response program by The City of Davis and the University of California, Davis—looked at the program’s effects from October 2020 to January 2022 on four key areas: (1) disease occurrence, (2) testing uptake, (3) health behaviors and perceptions, and (4) economic indicators. Our evaluation found that the program curbed COVID-19 infections and helped avert hospitalizations and deaths related to the disease.

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