
Youth CareerConnect Evaluation

Prepared For

U.S. Department of Labor

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy

Chief Evaluation Office

The Youth CareerConnect (YCC) grant program is designed to encourage America's school districts, institutions of higher education, the workforce investment system, and their partners to scale up evidence-based high school models that will transform the high school experience for America's youth.

The program blends promising features of both the career academy and sector-based models, including small-learning communities; college preparatory curriculum based on a career theme that aligns occupational training with employer needs; and employer, higher education, and community partners. 

Mathematica's five-year evaluation is assessing the impacts and implementation of the YCC program. The evaluation consists of an implementation study of all 24 YCC grantees and an impact evaluation involving a randomized control trial in 4 sites and a quasi-experimental matched comparison group design in up to 16 school districts.

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Jeanne Bellotti

Jeanne Bellotti

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