Project Overview
The FRAMING Research project is a five-year effort designed to take stock of existing and ongoing research on healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood (HMRF) programs and related fields, pinpoint key learning gaps, and identify top priorities for addressing those gaps.
The project team will take stock of existing and ongoing research on healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood (HMRF) programs and related fields, pinpoint key learning gaps, and identify top priorities for addressing those gaps. The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) and the Office of Family Assistance (OFA), both within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), have partnered with Mathematica and its subcontractor Public Strategies to conduct the study.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families

The FRAMING Research project team will collect and synthesize information through literature reviews, stakeholder meetings, expert consultations, and technical work groups. The team will collect the information iteratively, regularly updating the literature review and consulting with experts and stakeholders (including federal officials and practitioners) at various points throughout the project. In addition, the project team will draft a series of briefs and white papers to explore key topics related to HMRF programming that emerge during the course of the project.
Evidence & Insights From This Project

Fostering Trust with Program Participants and Serving Young Fathers: Highlights from the Third FRAMING Research Technical Work Group on Responsible Fatherhood
This brief summarizes key themes and research priorities discussed at a technical work group meeting about Responsible Fatherhood (RF) programs. The meeting addressed the topics of fostering trust among fathers who participate in RF programs and recruiting and retaining young fathers in services.
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