Project Overview


To (1) test whether intensive employment services improve employment and other outcomes for youth with disabilities who are transitioning to adulthood and (2) strengthen cooperation and coordination among organizations that serve youth with disabilities.

Project Motivation

Evaluate the Transition Exploration Demonstration, a demonstration designed to test promising approaches to improve employment outcomes for youth with disabilities.

Partners in Progress

  • Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Center for Transition and Career Innovation at the University of Maryland

Prepared For

Social Security Administration

Under a cooperative agreement from the Social Security Administration, Mathematica will direct and evaluate the Transition Exploration Demonstration (TED), a demonstration designed to test promising approaches to improve employment outcomes for youth with disabilities.

Under the Interventional Cooperative Agreement Program (ICAP), the Social Security Administration (SSA) awarded Mathematica a cooperative agreement to direct TED. Using its own funds, the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) will implement the demonstration. Mathematica and its subgrantee, the Center for Transition and Career Innovation at the University of Maryland (UMD), will provide oversight and support for implementation and conduct an evaluation.

The goals of TED are to (1) test whether intensive employment services improve employment and other outcomes for youth with disabilities who are transitioning to adulthood and (2) strengthen cooperation and coordination among organizations that serve youth with disabilities. OVR will enroll 700 youth from the greater Philadelphia area, ages 16 to 24, into TED. Mathematica will randomly assign half of enrollees to the usual services group and half to the TED services group. Youth in the usual services group will receive information about how to apply to OVR and will continue to be eligible for all existing services. Youth in the TED services group will have an OVR case opened for them. OVR will assign the youth in the TED services group to a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor who has received specialized TED training. The Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor will provide standard OVR services, plus a package of enhanced TED services including (1) pre-employment transition services focused on counseling on postsecondary options; (2) intentional, strategic, and focused service coordination; (3) intensive long-term job-training; (4) intensive engagement; and (5) intentional financial literacy or benefits planning.

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