
Access to Services through Knowledge: Translating Research into Application

2024 – 2025

Project Overview


To create journey maps and personas that highlight potential challenges and helpful resources and services for people with I/DD at various life stages.

Project Motivation

It can be difficult for caregivers and families to learn about and access disability services and supports. In accordance with the goals outlined in its Five-Year-State Plan, the Florida Development Disabilities Council (FDDC) initiated the Access to Services through Knowledge (ASK) information and resource delivery system to help Floridians learn about resources and services available to people with I/DD across the lifespan.

Partners in Progress

The National Association for the Dually Diagnosed (NADD)

Prepared For

Florida Developmental Disabilities Council

In partnership with the FDDC and the NADD, Mathematica is developing journey maps and personas that illustrate the experiences of caregivers supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) across the lifespan. 

Challenges accessing information about disability services and supports available in the community are a known barrier in Florida and many other states. These challenges are more acute for those who are not native speakers of English, those with low levels of digital literacy, and those who lack access to reliable internet service. Prior research conducted by the WellFlorida Council shows there are gaps in knowledge of available community-based services available in the state to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) across the lifespan.

To address knowledge gaps and barriers to accessing information, the FDDC initiated the Access to Services through Knowledge (ASK) information and resource delivery system. This initiative aims to build knowledge of and increase access to community resources and services among people with I/DD and their families across the lifespan. The work will be completed in three phases: 

  • Phase 1: Research to understand how caregivers research, obtain, and use specialized support services
  • Phase 2: Development of journey maps and user personas based on the research findings to guide families and caregivers
  • Phase 3: Design of a public-facing web-based platform based on the user personas and/or journey maps
graphic presentation of three phases

Mathematica is leading Phase 2 by developing journey maps and user personas that will translate the research findings produced under Phase 1 into user personas and journey maps to guide families and caregivers to identify key sources of information to navigate the complex disability service system in Florida.

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Related Staff

Diane Beaver

Diane Beaver

Managing Consultant

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Ashley Bultman

Ashley Bultman

Advisory Services Analyst

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Noelle Denny-Brown

Noelle Denny-Brown

Principal Researcher

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Yuri Feliciano

Yuri Feliciano

Research Analyst

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