2014 Conferences, Meetings, and Events

Dec 31, 2014 5:00 a.m.
Various Locations

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December


AcademyHealthWhat's Next for HSR? How Funding, Data, and Innovation are Shaping Our Future—Webinar—December 15
Craig Thornton, Participant 

Disability Research Seminar Series Webinar—The Disability Consequences of Poor Quality of Care Under Workers' Compensation and Findings from a Quality Improvement Initiative in Washington State—December 8 

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Working Group Meeting—Women Working Longer—Cambridge, MA—December 6
Dana Rotz, Participant

Alliance for Health Reform BriefingMedicare Advantage in a Changing Health System—Washington, DC—December 5 
Marsha Gold, senior fellow emeritus, will present a summary of research on the quality of Medicare Advantage plans.  

Center for Studying Disability Policy Forum/WebinarDisability and Well-Being: Barriers to Improving Quality of Life for People with Disabilities—Washington, DC—December 4
Gina Livermore, Priyanka Anand, Jody Schimmel Hyde, and Others, Panelists 

Annual Compendium of Disability Statistics and Research-to-Policy Roundtable—Washington, DC—December 3

American Enterprise Institute and the Brookings InstitutionHelping Youth with Disabilities Flourish: Improving Outcomes for Children in the Supplemental Security Income Program—Washington, DC—December 2
Thomas Fraker, Presenter and David Wittenburg, Moderator: Previous and Ongoing Attempts to Improve Outcomes for Youth with Disabilities
David Wittenburg, Presenter: Proposals for Improving and Reforming the SSI Disabled Children Program


Center on Health Care Effectiveness Forum/WebinarMeasuring High Performers and Assessing Readiness to Change: Looking Beyond the Lamppost—November 19
Tim Lake, Moderator
Catherine DesRoches, Craig Schneider, and Others, Panelist 

U.S. Department of Labor-OECD Workshop—Building Effective Local Strategies to Boost Quality Job Creation, Employment, and Participation—Washington, DC—November 18-19
Sheena McConnell, Speaker

American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition—Healthography—New Orleans, LA—November 15-19
Margaret Hargreaves (co-author): "Analysis of Integrated HIV Housing and Care Services"
Matthew Peckarsky: "Mapping for Action: Variation in HIV Program Coverage in Rural Malawi"
So O'Neil (presenter), Laura Ruttner, Irina Cheban, and Others (co-authors): "Health Knowledge, Insurance, and Other Factors' Influence on Breast and Prostate Cancer Screening Behavior"
Crystal Blyler, Moderator: Peer-Led, Person-Centered, and Self-Directed Approaches in Behavioral Health: Recent Innovations and Relevance to Health Reform

Association for Public Policy Analysis and ManagementGlobal Challenges, New Perspectives—Albuquerque, NM—November 6-8

Center for Children, Relationships, and Culture & Developmental Science Field Committee Colloquium Series—Are There Thresholds of Quality in Early Care and Education? Emerging Evidence from the Project on Quality Thresholds, Dosage, and Features—College Park, MD—November 5
Louisa Tarullo, Speaker

Child and Family Policy Consortium Home Visiting WebinarInternational Perspectives on Home Visiting—November 3
Kimberly Boller, Speaker


Disability Research Consortium Annual Meeting—National Press Club, Washington, DC—October 30-31

National Academies Policy Roundtable Seminar of the Behavioral and Social Sciences—Stimulating Effective Innovation in Government—October 30
Scott Cody: "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Innovations"

Jacksonville University Children’s Health Policy Symposium—Jacksonville, FL—October 21
Sheila Hoag, Keynote Speaker

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Seminar—London, England—October 21
Thomas Cook: "Design Experiments and Their Results for Observational Study Policy"

Oxford University Sidney Ball Memorial Lecture—London, England—October 20
Thomas Cook: "Evidence-Based Practices in Social Policy"

American Evaluation AssociationVisionary Evaluation for a Sustainable, Equitable Future—Denver, CO—October 15-18

The National Association of Health Data Organizations Annual Conference—Innovations in Health Care Data Collection, Analytics, and Reporting—San Diego, CA—October 8-9
Craig Schneider, Moderator and Speaker: Data Needs of Accountable Care Organizations 

Center for Studying Disability PolicyImplementation of WIOA: Lessons from Research on Employment—Webinar—October 7
David Stapleton and David Wittenburg, Speakers

Center for Medicaid and CHIP ServicesImproving the Health of Mothers and Infants in Medicaid and CHIP: Investing in the Future of Our Nation—Webinar—October 7
JudyAnn Bigby, Presenter


Center for Improving Research Evidence Forum/WebinarUsing Implementation Science to Advance the Adoption of Evidence-Based Programs—Washington, DC—September 30

Health Care Leadership Forum—Leveraging Evidence Across the Care Continuum—Chicago, IL—September 29-30
Ann O'Malley: "EHRs and Primary Care Teamwork"

Integrated Care Resource Center Study Hall Call—Washington, DC—September 23
Jenna Libersky and Others: "State Monitoring and Oversight of Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Care Programs"

Center for Studying Disability Policy Forum/WebinarGetting a Job, Keeping a Job: Services and Supports that Promote Employment Among People with Disabilities—Washington, DC—September 17

Disability Research Seminar Series: Interactions Between Disability Cash Benefits and Public Health InsuranceNovel Insights from a Path-Breaking Database of Linked Administrative Records—Online—September 10

Interagency Committee on Disability Statistics Meeting—Online and Teleconference—September 10

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), Kentucky Office for the Blind, Indiana Bureau of Rehabilitation Services, University of Kentucky Rehabilitation Counseling Program, TACE Regions 4 and 5, The Summit Group, and The Rehabilitation Program Evaluation Network—7th Annual Summit, Performance Management in Vocational Rehabilitation—Louisville, Kentucky—September 8-9
Todd Honeycutt: “VR Experiences of Youth with Disabilities: An Overview of Processes, Practices, and Outcomes"

Integrated Care Resource Center Study Hall Call—Washington, DC—September 8
James Verdier and Others: "Improving Coordination of Home Health Services and Durable Medical Equipment for Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees in the Financial Alignment Initiative"

Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness—Common Ground for Practice & Research: Targeted Improvement Initiatives—Washington, DC—September 4-6
Thomas Cook and Others: "Causal Inference and the Comparative Interrupted Time Series Design: Findings from Within-Study Comparisons" Abstract

International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)—Making Impact Evaluation Matter: Better Evidence for Effective Policies and Programmes—Manila, Philippines—September 3-5
Ali Protik: "The Mid-term Impacts of “Girl-friendly” Schools: Evidence from the BRIGHT School Construction Program in Burkina Faso"
Emilie Bagby: "Impact Evaluation of Niger’s IMAGINE Program: Long-Term Follow-Up"

Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families—What Works, Under What Circumstances, and How? Methods for Unpacking the "Black Box" of Programs and Policies—Washington, DC—September 3-4
Scott Cody: "Rapid-Cycle Evaluation: Using Experiments to Identify ‘What Works’ in the Field and Improve Service Delivery"
Peter Schochet, Discussant: Under What Circumstances? Variation in People and Contexts


National Association for Welfare Research and StatisticsPutting the Pieces Together: Using Research and Analysis to Improve Program Effectiveness and Reduce Poverty—Providence, RI—August 17-20

Joint Statistical MeetingsStatistics: Global Impact—Past, Present, and Future—Boston, MA—August 2-7


National Center for Education Statistics STATS-DC Data Conference—Informed Decision-Making, Powered by Data—Washington, DC—July 30-August 1
Brian Gill, Matthew Johnson, and Others: Ensuring Data Quality for Value-Added Measures

Annual Birth to Three Institute Conference—Nurturing Relationships, Responsiveness, Readiness—Washington, DC—July 28
Cheri Vogel, Yange Xue, Niki Aikens, and Others: "Baby FACES: Using Research to Inform Quality Practice in Early Head Start"
Sally Atkins-Burnett and Ashley Kopack Klein: "The Learning from Assessment Toolkit: Materials, Supports, and Tools for Assessing Children and Improving Outcomes"
Lizabeth Malone and Elizabeth Cavadel: "Quality Caregiver Interactions with Infants and Toddlers: Identifying and Supporting Responsiveness"

White House Office of Science and Technology PolicyDemonstrating How Low-Cost RCTs Can Drive Effective Social Spending—Washington, DC—July 28
Scott Cody and Steven Glazerman, Participants

Medicaid Managed Care Best Practices Summit—Alexandria, VA—July 28
James Verdier: "Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS): How Do Dual Eligibles Fit In?"
Jenna Libersky: "Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS): State Oversight and Expectations"

DC-Baltimore Chapter of the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the Washington Statistical Society Summer Conference Preview/Review—Washington, DC—July 22
Jared Coopersmith, Lisa Klein Vogel, Tim Bruursema, and Kathleen Feeney: "Effects of Incentive Amount and Type on Web Survey Response Rates"
Melissa Dugger: "Adapting Survey Methods to Reach Highly Mobile Sample"

What Works Clearinghouse WebinarDesigning Strong Studies: A What Works Clearinghouse Webinar for Researchers—July 21

Institute of Medicine—Washington, DC—July 15
David Wittenburg: "Policy Considerations for Child SSI Program"

Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)—Atlanta, GA—July 13
Fei Xing and Others: "Statistical Performance Analysis for Scientific Applications" and "Workload Aware Utilization Optimization for a Petaflop Supercomputer"

Center for International Policy Research and Evaluation ForumAdvancing the Agenda: Using Research to Integrate Health and Early Childhood Practice Worldwide—Washington, DC—July 9

Head Start's National Research Conference on Early ChildhoodCollaboration and Coordination: Understanding Systems Supporting Young Children and Their Families—Washington, DC—July 7-9


Center on Health Care Effectiveness ForumMeasuring Comprehensiveness of Primary Care: Past, Present, and Future—June 27

Center for Studying Disability Policy/Disability Research Consortium Seminar SeriesThe Employment Effects of Terminating Disability Benefits—June 24

Perspectives on Time Use in the U.S. Conference and Workshop—Washington, DC—June 23-24
Yonatan Ben-Shalom: "How Do Working Age People with Disabilities Spend Their Time? New Evidence from the American Time Use Survey"

American Society of Health Economists Biennial ConferenceHealth & Healthcare in America: From Economics to Policy—Los Angeles, CA—June 22-25

Pew Charitable Trusts ForumEvidence-Based Home Visiting—June 19

AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting and Interest Group Meetings—San Diego, CA—June 7-10


American Community Survey (ACS) Data Users Conference—Washington, DC—May 29-30
Yonatan Ben-Shalom and David Stapleton: "Using the ACS to Calculate National and State-Level Federal Program Participation Ratios for Working-Age People with Disabilities"

The Joint Program in Survey Methodology—Frontiers of Hierarchical Modeling in Observational Studies, Complex Surveys and Big Data: A Conference Honoring Professor Malay Ghosh—University of Maryland, College Park, MD—May 28-31
Hanzhi Zhou: "Multiple Imputation in Complex Sample Surveys Using the Weighted Finite Population Bayesian Bootstrap"

ACF/OPRE Welfare Research & Evaluation Conference—Washington, DC—May 28-30 

Center for Improving Research Evidence ForumThe Growing Demand for Rapid-Cycle Assessment—What Works Best and When?—May 21

Education Writers Association National Seminar—From Ideas to Action: Making it Happen in Newsrooms and Schools—Nashville, TN—May 20
Brian Gill, Speaker

National Pharmaceutical CouncilComparative Effectiveness Research and the Environment for Health Care Decision Making—May 19

American Association for Public Opinion ResearchMeasurement and the Role of Public Opinion in a Democracy—Anaheim, CA—May 15-18

Social Solutions Pay for Less/Social Impact Bond (SIB) Webinar Series—Building a SIB-Ready Sector: Getting Ready—Webinar—May 8
Scott Cody, Presenter

Association of American Medical Colleges Diversity 3.0 Learning Series Webinar—Designing Project Evaluations to Monitor Progress Over time, Guide Programmatic Decisions, and Understand Outcomes and Impacts—May 2
Clemencia Cosentino and Neil Seftor, Speakers

Brigham and Women's Hospital—Boston, MA—May 2
Ann O'Malley: "Overcoming Challenges to Primary Care Teamwork in Patient-Centered Medical Homes"

Population of America Association (PAA) Annual Meeting—Boston, MA—May 1-3
Yonatan Ben-Shalom and Priyanka Anand: “How Do Working-Age People with Disabilities Spend Their Time? New Evidence from the American Time Use Survey”


British Council Conference—Going Global—Miami, FL—April 29-May 1
Matt Sloan, Presenter

Employment & Disability State of the Science ConferenceAdvancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Employment Gap—Bethesda, MD—April 8-9

American Educational Research Association Annual MeetingThe Power of Education Research for Innovation in Practice and Policy—Philadelphia, PA—April 3-7

Society for Research in Child Development Special Topic MeetingStrengthening Connections Among Child and Family Research, Policy and Practice—Alexandria, VA—April 3-5

Child Care Aware® of America's Symposium—Washington, DC—April 2-4
Diane Paulsell and Others: Using Research to Support Policy Decisions on Behalf of Young Children


Federal CASIC Workshops—Washington, DC—March 18-20

Annual Conference of the Association for Education Finance and PolicyNew Players in Education Finance and Policy—San Antonio, TX—March 13-15

Integrated Care Resource Center Webinar—March 13
James Verdier and Others: "Medicare 101 and 201: Key Issues for State Programs for Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees"

Comparative and International Education Society—Revisioning Education for All—Toronto, Canada—March 10-15

Active Living Research Annual Conference—Niche to Norm—San Diego, CA—March 9-12
Susanne James-Burdumy: "Impact of Playworks on Play, Physical Activity, and Recess: Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial"

Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Spring ConferenceImproving Education Science and Practice: The Role of Replication—Washington, DC—March 6-8


World Congress Annual Leadership Summit on Medicaid Managed Care—Evolving Managed Care Systems for Better Access, Integration, and Cost Efficiency—Washington, DC—February 25-26
Jenna Libersky and James Verdier: "Financial Considerations: Rate Setting for Medicaid Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) in Integrated Care Programs"
James Verdier: "Implementing Coordinated Care for Dual Eligibles: Conflicts and Opportunities"

HiMSS Annual Conference and Exhibition—Orlando, FL—February 23-27
Craig Schneider, Moderator: Empowering Consumers with Access to Healthcare Cost Information

Center for Studying Disability Policy ForumRebalancing Long-Term Care Services and Supports—Washington, DC—February 20

National Child Health Policy Conference—Washington, DC—February 5
Henry Ireys, Moderator and Joseph Zickafoose, Speaker: Improving Quality of Care for Children: Early Lessons form the CHIPRA Quality Demonstrations


National Summit on Quality in Home Visiting Programs—Washington, DC—January 29
Kimberly Boller, Heather Zaveri, and Others: "Making Replication Work: Building Infrastructure to Implement, Scale Up, and Sustain Evidence-Based Early Childhood Home Visiting Programs"

Curricular Advances for Patient Centered Comparative Effectiveness Research Conference—Washington, DC—January 28-29
Eugene Rich: "Midstream Assessment of ARRA CER Portfolio: Implications for Patient-Centered CER Training"

National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research Annual Conference—Washington, DC—January 23-24
Kevin Booker, Brian Gill, and Others: "Charter High Schools' Effects on Long-Term Attainment and Earnings" Working Paper

American Economic Association—Philadelphia, PA—January 3-5
Bing-ru Teh, Steven Glazerman, Ali Protik, Julie Bruch, and Jeffrey Max: "Moving High-Performing Teachers to Low Achieving Schools"