Whitney Kozakowski
Human Services

Whitney Kozakowski

Senior Researcher
Name Pronunciation WIT-nee KOH-zah-KOW-ski

Whitney Kozakowski’s work focuses on the evaluation of education and labor programs and policies, particularly those targeted toward people with low-income.

Since joining Mathematica in 2020, Kozakowski has worked on a range of projects in education and labor. Currently, she is the technical lead for a project focused on understanding the impacts of federally funded magnet schools on racial/ethnic isolation and student achievement. She has led two studies focused on understanding how student achievement, student grades, and school climate have changed during COVID-19. She is also the technical lead for a project focused on estimating the impacts of colleges on students’ earnings. Other projects include an evaluation of a program to support veterans experiencing homelessness in transitioning to meaningful employment.

Prior to joining Mathematica, Kozakowski was an Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Partnering in Education Research (PIER) fellow at Harvard University and worked on a range of topics including college choice and access, college remediation, blended and online learning, school and district turnaround, school choice, and school-to-work transitions. Her work has been published in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Economics of Education Review, and Industrial & Labor Relations Review. She holds an Ph.D. in education from Harvard University.

  • Program evaluation
  • Experimental and quasi-experimental designs
Focus Area Topics
  • Education
  • Postsecondary Education
  • Human Services

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