Stacie Feldman

Stacie Feldman

Survey Researcher

Stacie Feldman is a survey researcher in the Health Unit, focusing on disability research. She has more than 15 years of experience in survey data collection procedures, training interviewers, managing survey operations, and designing survey instruments for multiple modes. She specializes in collecting data from and about people with disabilities on varied topics: employment, activities of daily living, barriers to care, and independent living.

Feldman is currently the survey director for the Social Security Administration’s Interventional Cooperative Agreement Program Vocational Resource Facilitation Demonstration, which will conduct a randomized controlled trial of an employment intervention for adults who have experienced a neurotrauma (brain or spinal cord injury). She is also the survey director for the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research-sponsored study Independent Living Services for Minority Youth with Disabilities, and conducts research and technical assistance to improve transition outcomes for out-of-school minority youth with disabilities. Feldman was the survey director for the Minnesota Department of Health Services’ Value-Based Payment Models for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) through State Disability Waivers study, which collected data on what HCBS consumers with disabilities and advocates value most about these services. Feldman also founded and leads Mathematica’s Inclusive Research Practices Committee, which researches and provides guidelines for inclusive and accessible research practices to reduce harm and improve data quality. Mathematica’s Inclusive Research Practices Committee has focused on sexuality and gender inclusion, particularly in collecting survey data. She is currently a senior advisor on a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-sponsored study that is adapting global initiatives to inform the development of a statistical standard for inclusively measuring gender. She also produces an annual compendium of accessible and inclusive data collection methods through the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability Statistics and Demographics. Feldman holds a B.A. in sociology from Muhlenberg College.

  • Survey data collection
  • Interviewer training
  • Technical assistance
  • Qualitative data collection and analysis
  • Inclusive research practices
Focus Area Topics
  • Health
  • Disability
  • Health and Access to Care
  • Employment and Training

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