Ryan Fiorito
Human Services

Ryan Fiorito

Research Associate
Name Pronunciation RYE-Anne Fee-oh-REE-toe

Ryan Fiorito’s work focuses on early childhood development, education programs, and welfare policies aimed at individuals from marginalized backgrounds. Most of his work adopts an equity-centered approach to improve outcomes for populations affected by topical issues.

Fiorito interned with Mathematica before joining full-time in early 2023. He has worked on several child and family wellbeing projects, including an equity-centered evaluation of sexual risk avoidance education (SRAE) programs as well as an evaluation of SRAE grants in foster care and juvenile justice detention centers. Fiorito provided support for a youth at risk of homelessness evaluation in Colorado, developing dissemination materials and attending calls with program offices and their interested parties. Other projects include developing a survey to capture physician and medical practice expense reports, conducting key informant interviews and analysis with child poverty reduction government agencies and nonprofits, and interviewing recidivist populations on their involvement with employment attainment programs and outcomes.

Fiorito joins Mathematica with a goal of inspiring social change within disenfranchised communities. Before joining Mathematica, Fiorito interned with the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association where he studied the impact of COVID-19 on Asian American populations—studying the data on Anti-Asian hate crimes and outcomes related to Asian American employment status inspired him to improve the wellbeing of populations adversely impacted by society. Fiorito is a graduate of UC Berkeley, where he completed a bachelors in psychology with a minor in linguistics.

  • Qualitative interviewing and survey work
  • Open source data collection
  • Qualitative and thematic analysis
  • Dissemination materials and presentation
  • Education and Workforce Development
  • Equity Evaluation
Focus Area Topics
  • Early Childhood
  • Family Support
  • Human Services

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