Riley Stone
Human Services

Riley Stone


Riley Stone specializes in evaluating math curriculum and interventions, providing programmatic technical assistance, and strengthening or disseminating education research, programs, and policies. He has 10 years of experience in high school mathematics classrooms, education policy, and research supporting federal, state, and local education agencies.

Since joining Mathematica in 2021, Stone has served as the project director for the Walton Family Foundation’s Innovation Initiative Learning Partner project where, in addition to project management, he led the development, data collection, analysis, and reporting on key performance indicators. He also served as a data lead for the Gates Foundations’ Analysis of Middle School Math Systems project, where he co-led data collection, analysis, and reporting on culturally responsive math teaching practices in middle school math curriculum, professional learning, and classrooms. Currently, he serves as a co-liaison on the Department of Health & Human Services’ (HHS) Technical Assistance Center on Reaching and Effectively Serving All Communities project. In this role, he provides technical assistance to HHS offices to help their staff serve diverse communities and reduce disparities more effectively through HHS’ programs, policies, research, and analyses.

Stone began his career as a high school mathematics teacher primarily teaching probability and statistics, geometry, and math interventions before serving as an education policy analyst at the Education Trust-Midwest—a nonpartisan research and advocacy organization dedicated to improving education for Michigan students, especially Michigan’s most vulnerable students. Stone has presented research findings at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference. He holds an M.Ed. in program evaluation and improvement research from the University of Michigan.


  • Education program and policy analysis
  • Mixed methods analysis and reporting
  • Technical assistance
  • Evaluating math curriculum and interventions
Focus Area Topics
  • Human Services
  • Education
  • STEM
  • Strengthening and Disseminating Research

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