Rebecca Kleinman
Human Services

Rebecca Kleinman


Rebecca Kleinman has expertise in early childhood and family support programs and policies, including those focused on home visiting and child welfare. She specializes in providing evaluation technical assistance and conducting qualitative research as part of program evaluations.

Kleinman has worked on a range of projects in early childhood, family support, and nutrition. Currently, as part of the Regional Partnership Grants (RPG) project, she provides evaluation technical assistance to Children’s Bureau grantees implementing and testing programs to improve outcomes for families with children affected by parental substance use. She also leads qualitative data collection for the RPG national cross-site evaluation and has contributed to technical assistance briefs. In addition, Kleinman has a leadership role on Understanding and Expanding the Reach of Home Visiting, a project that includes a literature synthesis, development of a conceptual framework of family engagement in early childhood home visiting, and design and execution of research options. Her expertise is enhanced by experience conducting systematic evidence reviews of early childhood home visiting literature and reviewing research on home visiting implementation. She previously led in-depth process studies of programs funded to design and implement innovative approaches to reducing childhood hunger. She has conducted qualitative research with behavioral health care providers, food security programs, and healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood programs.

Since joining Mathematica in 2010, Kleinman has coauthored numerous publications available on Mathematica and government websites. Her work has been published in academic journals including the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She holds an M.P.P. from the University of California, Berkeley.

  • Evaluation technical assistance
  • Qualitative research and program evaluation
  • Home visiting programs
  • Child welfare programs and policies
  • Food security and hunger
Focus Area Topics
  • Early Childhood
  • Child Welfare
  • Family Support
  • Human Services

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