Rebecca Franckle
Human Services

Rebecca Franckle


Rebecca Franckle has more than 15 years of experience in public health and nutrition, with a focus on obesity, food security, and social determinants of health.

Since joining Mathematica in 2021, Franckle has worked on a range of projects in nutrition, health, and early childhood. She is the project director for a study that explores meal service operations, practices, and characteristics of childcare providers that do and do not participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). She also serves as the administrative data lead for the School Meals Operations (SMO) project, a multi-year study for the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) that supports the ongoing evaluation of FNS Child Nutrition Programs; the nutrition coding task lead for the second Study on Nutrition and Activity in Child Care Settings (SNACS-II); and project director of two Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) projects, providing general management and grantee support for diet-related health funding opportunities.

Franckle has extensive experience with public health initiatives at the local (Boston Public Health Commission) and federal (CDC) levels. Before joining Mathematica, Franckle was an assistant professor of the practice in public health at Boston College and a visiting scientist at the Harvard T.H Chan School. She holds a dual doctorate degree in nutrition and social and behavioral sciences from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and an M.P.H. from Yale University.

  • Public health
  • Nutrition policy
  • Research design
  • Implementation science
Focus Area Topics
  • Human Services
  • Nutrition
  • Early Childhood
  • Population Health
  • Health

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