Raga Ayyagari

Raga Ayyagari

Name Pronunciation RAH-gah (rhymes with saga) eye-ah-GAH-ree

Raga Ayyagari’s work focuses on improving population health and addressing social and environmental drivers of health through mixed-methods research, technical assistance to support program monitoring and quality improvement, and human-centered design.

Ayyagari has experience applying quantitative and qualitative research methods to assess the implementation and effectiveness of population health programs. She has helped evaluate a Medi-Cal Medically Tailored Meals program, a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration program called Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration, the Medicaid section 1115 Delivery System Reform and Incentive Payment program, and a portfolio of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grants related to Medicaid advocacy and technical assistance. She also has experience leading literature reviews and providing technical assistance to state and federal agencies to support quality improvement initiatives, including selecting, testing, and maintaining quality measures. She also has training and experience incorporating principles of human-centered design to support inclusive and equitable program implementation and monitoring.

In addition to her project work, Ayyagari serves as the secretary of Mathematica’s Charitable Giving Committee, in which she helps ensure that Mathematica’s giving program aligns with its mission and values.

Ayyagari has coauthored multiple reports and issue briefs, presented at conferences hosted by the American Public Health Association and American Association for the Advancement of Science, and published research in Lancet Global Health. Ayyagari holds an M.S. in Epidemiology and Clinical Research from Stanford University.

  • Social determinants of health and health equity
  • Chronic disease prevention and health promotion
  • Qualitative and quantitative program and policy evaluation
  • Quality measurement and improvement
  • Medicaid delivery system reform
  • Human-centered design
Focus Area Topics
  • Population Health
  • Delivery System Reforms
  • Medicaid and CHIP
  • Quality Improvement
  • State Health Policy
  • Nutrition

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