Katie Eddins
Human Services

Katie Eddins

Senior Researcher

Katie Eddins specializes in qualitative research on programs and policies that support families with low income. She also conducts formative research, using techniques such as rapid-cycle evaluation, and provides evidence-based technical assistance to support program improvement.

Since joining Mathematica in 2016, Eddins has worked on a range of projects in family support and employment. Eddins is currently the deputy director for a project for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) to produce qualitative case studies highlighting innovative approaches to supporting employment for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families recipients and other people with low income. In this role, she contributes to the research design and project planning, collects and analyzes qualitative data, and oversees the dissemination of nine case studies and other products. Her other current work for ACF includes a project providing technical assistance and conducting rapid-cycle evaluations with healthy relationship education programs, an evaluation that is building the capacity of teen pregnancy prevention grantees to use data, and an evidence clearinghouse that systematically reviews evidence about employment and training programs for people with low income and synthesizes findings. In addition, Eddins has conducted research about scaling evidence-based models using an implementation science framework for the Corporation for National and Community Service.

Before joining Mathematica, Eddins provided direct social service assistance and case management to people with low income in New York City. Eddins holds a master’s degree in public policy from the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.

  • Qualitative methods
  • Implementation science
  • Evidence-based technical assistance
  • Rapid-cycle evaluation methods
Focus Area Topics
  • Human Services
  • Family Support
  • TANF and Employment Issues
  • Strengthening Families and Responsible Fatherhood
  • Youth Development
  • Employment
  • Training and Re-employment

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