Katie Adamek
Human Services

Katie Adamek

Senior Researcher
Name Pronunciation KAY-d ADAM-ek

Katie Adamek has expertise in sexual and reproductive health research and programming. She conducts qualitative and quantitative studies, develops content for sexuality curricula, provides evaluation technical assistance, and conducts systematic reviews.

Adamek leads tasks on various sexual and reproductive health-focused projects for federal agencies. She is deputy project director of the Descriptive Study of Title X Grantees and task lead of the mixed-methods Exploratory Study of Sexually Transmitted Infections on that project. She leads a team providing evaluation technical assistance to Office of Population Affairs (OPA) Teen Pregnancy Prevention grantees replicating evidence-based programs (Tier 1). Adamek also contributes to the update of the Providing Quality Family Planning Services Report Recommendations for OPA and has contributed to various impact and implementation studies for OPA on sexuality education programs. Previously, Adamek led a task to adapt sexuality education curricula for populations currently underserved by existing curricula through the PREP (Personal Responsibility Education Program): Promising Youth Programs project with the Family and Youth Services Bureau in the Administration for Children and Families. Adamek was also deputy project director of a landscape scan of teen pregnancy in the Mississippi Delta region for a private foundation. She has also authored reports on sexual and reproductive health and developed several research briefs to provide guidance to federal teen pregnancy prevention grantees.

Adamek joined Mathematica in 2013. She previously designed, implemented, and managed sexuality education and health promotion programs for City College of New York and Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest (PPGNW). She also provided patient care in PPGNW clinics. These experiences, as well her time serving as an HIV/AIDS educator in the U.S. Peace Corps, demonstrate her commitment to ensuring everyone has access to evidence-based, high-quality sexual and reproductive health services and education. Adamek has a M.P.H. in population and family health from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University.

  • Sexual and reproductive health
  • Qualitative research
  • Teen pregnancy prevention
  • Evaluation technical assistance
Focus Area Topics
  • Human Services
  • Family Support
  • Youth Development
  • Health
  • Population Health

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