Jelena Zurovac

Jelena Zurovac

Senior Researcher

Jelena Zurovac focuses on designing and analyzing quantitative evaluations of health care interventions.

Zurovac has served in key design and analysis roles on evaluations of initiatives that target Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries’ quality of care and health care utilization and costs. Much of her previous work includes evaluations of hospital quality improvement programs, including the Partnership for Patients and the Community Care Transitions Program, as well as evaluations of practice transformation programs, including the Health Care Innovation Awards Primary Care Redesign. Currently, she leads the impact evaluation of the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative, which supports practice transformation to improve health outcomes. This is the largest initiative to date that supports practice transformation, enrolling more than 140,000 clinicians in physician practices of diverse specialties.

She has worked on several randomized trials and non-equivalent comparison group studies of care coordination and disease management for people with chronic illnesses. Zurovac also has experience in pharmacoeconomic analyses and policy. For example, she contributed to a cost-effectiveness analysis of innovation strategies for measles vaccinations and a practice economics model comparing infused biooncologics to evaluate physicians’ prescribing incentives.

Zurovac has published in several peer-reviewed journals, including Health Services Research and Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, and serves as a reviewer for several journals. She holds an M.S. in pharmaceutical outcomes research and policy and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Washington in Seattle.

  • Evaluation design and analysis
  • Care coordination and disease management programs
  • Primary care
  • Pharmaceutical outcomes research
Focus Area Topics
  • Health
  • Medicare

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