Angela D'Angelo
Human Services

Angela Valdovinos D'Angelo

Principal Researcher

Angela Valdovinos D’Angelo is a researcher whose areas of expertise include responsible fatherhood, healthy marriage and relationship education, children and families impacted by substance use disorders, child welfare, and families living in poverty. She also has extensive experience providing evaluation technical assistance, conducting data collection, leading implementation studies, and using qualitative methods.

She is the deputy project director for the national cross-site evaluation of the Regional Partnership Grants (RPG) program, which allocates grants to programs for children who are in, or at risk of, out-of-home placements as a result of a parent or caretaker’s substance abuse. The evaluation employs collaborative efforts across the child welfare, substance use treatment, and court systems. As the deputy project director for RPG, she selected measures for the program’s national cross-site evaluation, coordinated data collection and technical assistance for 48 grantees across four cohorts, and was a contributing author to several reports to Congress. She also currently provides evaluation technical assistance and supports analyses and reporting for six healthy marriage and fatherhood grantees for the Fatherhood and Marriage Local Evaluation and Cross-Site project. As a site lead for the Strengthening Relationship Education and Marriage Services Evaluation, she provided intensive programmatic and evaluation technical assistance to a recipient of a healthy marriage program grant to ensure the program was implemented with rigor, and she led the implementation study in another site from the start of data collection through analysis and reporting. As a task leader on the Strengthening the Implementation of Healthy Marriage and Relationship Programs project, she is currently leading the literature review, with the goal of identifying implementation challenges and promising strategies to test through rapid cycle evaluation.

Previously, she worked on the Parents and Children Together evaluation. In this role, she conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with fathers participating in Responsible Fatherhood programs, led site visits with grantees implementing fatherhood programs, ran focus groups with Spanish-speaking couples attending Healthy Marriage programs, participated in a sub-study of fathers that focused on trauma-informed care, and coauthored several reports and briefs.

D’Angelo, who joined Mathematica in 2012, has a Ph.D. in human development and social policy from Northwestern University.

  • Program evaluation
  • Evaluation technical assistance
  • Data collection
  • Family support
  • Qualitative methods
Focus Area Topics
  • Human Services
  • Early Childhood
  • Child Welfare
  • Family Support
  • Strengthening Families and Responsible Fatherhood

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