Amy Johnson
Human Services

Amy Johnson

Senior Fellow

Amy Johnson is an expert in evaluation and survey design, specializing in issues related to at-risk youth and education policy and practice.

Johnson has substantial experience as a project leader and has been conducting or overseeing public policy research for more than 30 years. She directs a national study of the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act for the U.S. Department of Education and is a key member of the Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic team. She also oversees a project for the U.S. Department of Labor to continue to build the evidence base around behavioral interventions for labor-related programs. She has played a major role on impact studies of teacher induction and abstinence education programs, qualitative studies of programs supporting welfare recipients, implementation analyses of child-support policies, and technical assistance provisions for programs supporting unwed couples with children.

As a former senior vice president at Mathematica, Johnson developed considerable skill building teams and developing budgets and timelines to meet clients’ needs. She is also experienced in integrating staff from multiple organizations to address clients’ research questions effectively, writing accessible reports, and delivering clear presentations. She provides quality assurance reviews for many projects.

Before joining Mathematica in 1997, she held positions at the Institute for Research on Higher Education. She is a member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, the American Educational Research Association, and the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. She serves as a referee for peer-reviewed journals and has presented widely to policy and practitioner audiences. She has a Ph.D. in education from the University of Pennsylvania.

  • Education research
  • Evaluation and survey design
  • Survey research and data collection
Focus Area Topics
  • Education
  • Teacher and Principal Effectiveness
  • Employment
  • Training and Re-employment
  • Youth Employment
  • Family Support
  • Human Services

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