The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): Summary of Stakeholder Input on Research Priorities

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): Summary of Stakeholder Input on Research Priorities

Published: Nov 30, 2021
Publisher: Mathematica



Kate Dunham

Pamela Holcomb

This brief summarizes input on research priorities gathered from workforce system stakeholders and experts between November 2020 – April 2021 for the WIOA Research Portfolio project. Stakeholders and experts included representatives from federal agencies; state and local workforce system agencies; advocacy organizations; and the fields of organized labor, business and industry, and postsecondary education. Topics addressed include work-based learning and apprenticeships; career pathways, advancement, role of credentials; integrated services, co-enrollment; employer services and engagement; career planning and navigation, remote services, job changes related to COVID-19; changes in the value of credentials; data infrastructure, and remote work. This project supports ETA in fulfilling requirements under WIOA Section 169 related to conducting evaluations of WIOA activities and supporting stakeholder discussions on ETA’s five-year research and evaluation strategic plan.

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