State-Based Advocacy as a Tool for Expanding Children's Coverage: Lessons from Site Visits to Six IAC Grantee States

State-Based Advocacy as a Tool for Expanding Children's Coverage: Lessons from Site Visits to Six IAC Grantee States

Insuring America's Children States Leading the Way Evaluation Brief #1
Published: Jul 30, 2010
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, Urban Institute, and Center for Studying Health System Change
Associated Project

Insuring America's Children

Time frame: 2008-2016

Prepared for:

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Colorado Health Foundation


Ian Hill

Sara Hogan

Debra Draper

Allison Liebhaber

This brief summarizes key findings gleaned from site visits to states where IAC has made multiyear "Finish Line" grants. These findings describe the importance of persistence, flexibility, creativity, and commitment to conducting effective states-based advocacy as well as building strong, broad-based coalitions including grassroots and state-level stakeholders. While acknowledging that much work remains, the brief cites important gains in children’s coverage since the IAC efforts began, despite the economic downturn.

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