Senegal’s Irrigation and Water Resources Management Project at Five Years Post-Compact: Findings from a Mixed-Methods Evaluation

Senegal’s Irrigation and Water Resources Management Project at Five Years Post-Compact: Findings from a Mixed-Methods Evaluation

Published: Aug 30, 2021
Publisher: Mathematica


Associated Project

Senegal: Evaluation of the Irrigation and Water Resource Management Project

Time frame: 2015-2021

Prepared for:

Millennium Challenge Corporation


Anthony Harris

Sarah Leser

Ahmadou Kandji

Five years after the MCC compact ended, the irrigation infrastructure that the project built or rehabilitated remains in good condition, but routine weed clearance and dredging is not keeping pace with what is needed to maintain sufficient water for farming throughout the project area. The area of land under production has steadily increased since the end of the compact, but remains well below the project target. Cultivation across multiple seasons is leading to increased production in the area, likely driven by large farmers. Overall production of tomatoes and onions increased but is still less than 20 percent of the compact targets; some farmers perceive risks in adopting new crops and farming practices. Demand for land titles continues to be strong but is satisfied only with donor assistance.

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