Pathway Home Grant Program: Implementation Evaluation Design and Overview of Impact Evaluation

Pathway Home Grant Program: Implementation Evaluation Design and Overview of Impact Evaluation

Published: Jun 17, 2022
Publisher: Mathematica


Associated Project

Evaluation of the Pathway Home Grant Program

Time frame: 2020-2025

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Labor


Armando Yanez

Christian Geckeler

Nicole Jarrett

Erica Nelson

Sharika Rakibullah

Key Findings

  • This report presents designs for evaluations of (1) Cohort 1 implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic, (2) Start-up and early implementation of Cohort 2 grantees, and (3) In-depth implementation over the full course of the grant period of Cohort 2 grantees.
  • Our design plan emphasizes participatory research methods, including engaging key stakeholders in to collect their input to inform our research questions, data sources, and data collection instruments.
  • Key research questions focus on grantees’ experience during the COVID-19 pandemic, how grantees’ designed and scaled their programs, and if and how access to these programs resulted in improved outcomes for participants. 

Since July 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has awarded approximately $113 million to two cohorts of Pathway Home grantees to expand the availability of employment-focused reentry services for individuals incarcerated in state correctional facilities and local jails. The Pathway Home grants aim to provide linked pre- and post-release employment services to improve individuals’ chances of finding meaningful employment and avoiding recidivism.

In September 2020, DOL contracted with Mathematica and its partners Social Policy Research Associates (SPR) and the Council of State Governments Justice Center (CSG) to design and carry out an evaluation of the implementation and impact of the Pathway Home Grant Program. This report presents designs for three evaluations of grant implementation between June 2020 – December 2023 and preliminary designs for an impact evaluation. 

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