Jobs Generated by the Rwanda Development Policy Operations

Jobs Generated by the Rwanda Development Policy Operations

Job Creation Potential of the Clean Energy Transition Case Study
Published: Nov 30, 2023
Publisher: The World Bank


Associated Project

Clean Energy and Employment Case Studies

Time frame: 2021-2022

Prepared for:

The World Bank


Zuzana Dobrotková

Sheoli Pargal

Anna Aghababyan

Anders Pedersen

The World Bank supported the government of Rwanda in institutionalizing least-cost principles for power-sector expansion through a series of three consecutive annual Development Policy Operations between 2017–2018 and 2019–2020. The objective was to enable fiscally sustainable expansion of electricity services in Rwanda while improving operational efficiency, affordability, and accountability. This case study shows that while there was some association between electricity reforms and job creation in Rwanda, the link was not straightforward, and the impact on formal employment was limited.

A team from Mathematica, consisting of Faraz Usmani, Duncan Chaplin, Patricia Costa, Sarah Leser, and Sara Bryk, collected background material and conducted upstream research for this case study. The Mathematica team gratefully acknowledges the instrumental contributions and insights provided by Anicet Munyehirwe that were essential to the successful completion of this case study.

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