Interactive Snapshots of the 2015 Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Grantees

Interactive Snapshots of the 2015 Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Grantees

OPRE Report #2022-288
Published: Mar 14, 2023
Publisher: Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Pamela Holcomb

Healthy families help children thrive. Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF) programs are designed to support healthy relationships, positive parenting, and economically secure households for the well-being and long-term success of children and families. As of 2021, Congress has funded four rounds of grants for these programs. This digital interactive brief shares an overview of the third cohort of 85 HMRF grantees and describes highlights from their performance measures.

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