How to Structure Implementation Supports
Associated Project

Scaling Evidence-Based Models

Time frame: 2016 – 2021

Prepared for:



Karen Needels

Key Findings

Well-structured implementation supports can be set up in three phases: (1) describe them in complete and operational terms and consider including details on how implementation might be modified if the intervention is scaled; (2) identify the personnel needed to conduct them and define their roles and responsibilities; and (3) specify the best way to document, communicate, review, and revise implementation support plans for CQI.

Organizations use a variety of strategies to help themselves consistently deliver an intervention as it was designed—in other words, to implement an intervention with fidelity. These strategies, or “implementation supports,” include processes such as workforce training, plans for continuous quality improvement (CQI), and supportive data systems. Having well-structured, formal implementation supports in place can be useful for ensuring that personnel and partners implement interventions consistently over time and across a variety of situations. Having such supports in place can be especially beneficial when organizations are scaling an intervention, such as by serving more participants at a site or offering the intervention at new sites. This guide will help practitioners set up supports in a way that facilitates implementing an intervention with fidelity.

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