Design Option Report for the We Grow Together Process and Implementation Study

Design Option Report for the We Grow Together Process and Implementation Study

OPRE Report #2023-181
Published: Jun 30, 2023
Publisher: Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Associated Project

We Grow Together: The Professional Development Tools for Improving Quality for Infant and Toddler Care

Time frame: 2015–2023

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation




Tutrang Nguyen

Sally Atkins-Burnett

Key Findings

This design report proposes exploring several modifications to the We Grow Together (WGT) professional development (PD) system, including conducting PD in a team structure, delivering virtual coaching, and making updates to the website’s functionalities. The proposed study design would seek to extend findings from the field test by examining implementation of a team-based professional learning community (PLC) that supports caregivers.

This report presents a proposed study design that would examine the feasibility and potential benefits of investing in the We Grow Together professional development system for infant and toddler caregivers. The focus of the proposed design is on contextual factors and processes that may influence the adoption, implementation, and potential sustainability of We Grow Together in center-based classrooms and family childcare homes, in both Early Head Start and community-based settings.

The Crosswalks of We Grow Together and Existing Standards and Frameworks Appendix shows how key practices in We Grow Together align with six nationally applicable standards and frameworks related to caregiver-child interactions that support the development of infants and toddlers.

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