Continuous Quality Improvement: How RPG Grantees Can Use Data from the RPG Cross-Site Evaluation to Learn About Project Implementation
Associated Project
Regional Partnership Grants National Cross-Site Evaluation
Prepared for:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children's Bureau
Key Findings
RPG-EDS data can be used as part of continuous quality improvement strategies to:
- Understand the families that have been served in the project to ensure services are reaching the focus population
- Understand how services have been used to help the partnership determine which services are most useful to families
- Understand the relationship between service completion and service engagement to improve project retention and completion rates
The evaluation technical assistance brief describes a continuous quality improvement framework—Learn, Innovate, Improve (LI2)—and how the framework can be applied using data from the RPG Evaluation Data System (RPG-EDS). The brief presents three common challenges that RPG grantees and evaluators face: (1) enrolling the project’s focus population, (2) ensuring services offered by partners are used, and (3) experiencing lower retention and completion rates than expected. The brief provides tips for analyzing enrollment and services data in RPG-EDS in order to assess these challenges, and to improve partnerships and services.
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