Communications Strategies for Children's Coverage Advocacy During ACA Implementation

Communications Strategies for Children's Coverage Advocacy During ACA Implementation

Insuring America's Children: States Leading the Way Research Brief #2
Published: Dec 09, 2014
Publisher: Oakland, CA: Mathematica Policy Research
Associated Project

Insuring America's Children

Time frame: 2008-2016

Prepared for:

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Colorado Health Foundation


Grace Anglin

Karina Wagnerman

Leslie Foster

Key Findings

Key Findings:

  • Highlighting the benefits of covering two generations, both children and their parents, and connecting children’s well-being to state economic security can help keep children’s coverage on crowded policy and implementation agendas.
  • Children’s advocacy organizations may need to communicate with a range of audiences over the course of a policy’s lifecycle. At times, indirect communications channels may be more effective than direct ones, depending on an advocacy organization’s relationship with its intended audiences.
  • Children’s advocacy organizations should strive to be fact-based and solution-focused and share their expertise with stakeholders.
This issue brief is the second in a series that describes the experiences of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation’s state-based Finish Line grantees in 2014, a critical year for Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementation. The brief highlights the communications strategies that the grantees in Colorado, Ohio, and Wisconsin are using to keep chil­dren’s health coverage on their state’s policy agendas. The brief highlights lessons for children’s advocacy organizations in other states.

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