BOND Implementation and Evaluation: Proposal to Develop Enhancements to the Benefit Offset Simulation Model (BOSIM)

BOND Implementation and Evaluation: Proposal to Develop Enhancements to the Benefit Offset Simulation Model (BOSIM)

Published: Feb 24, 2011
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research

David C. Stapleton

Joel Smith

Denise Whalen

This document presents a proposal for enhancement of the Benefit Offset Simulation Model (BOSIM), which was initially developed to support the design of the Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND). BOND tests alternative Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) work rules that increase the incentive for SSDI beneficiaries to return to work. The enhanced BOSIM will use information derived from BOND, among other sources, to produce projections of beneficiary outcomes under current law, the benefit offset design being tested in BOND, and a variety of potential changes to the design of SSDI benefits.

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