Baseline Report for the Evaluation of the Secondary Education Activity of the Morocco Education & Training Project
Associated Project
Morocco: Secondary Education Activity for Employability Project
Prepared for:
Millennium Challenge Corporation
In 2015, the Government of Morocco (GoM) and MCC signed a second compact in the amount of $450 million aimed at addressing the country’s major binding constraints to economic growth, one of which is low education quality. The Education and Training for Employability Project is one of two major investments under the compact. It encompasses a Secondary Education Activity, which is the focus of this report, and a Workforce Development Activity. The Secondary Education Activity aims to test a new model for public secondary schools. The activity consists of three subactivities: (1) Integrated School Improvement Model (ISIM or Attahadi model in its Moroccan name, (2) Student Assessment and Education Management Information System, and (3) School Infrastructure and Equipment Operations and Maintenance. MCC contracted Mathematica to conduct an independent evaluation of the Secondary Education Activity.
The evaluation design uses a mixed-methods approach to assess the effects of the activity and includes (1) a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the ISIM/Attahadi subactivity (including a cost analysis) and (2) an implementation study of all three subactivities.
This report presents baseline findings for the RCT of the ISIM/Attahadi subactivity. Analyzing baseline data for the RCT serves two purposes: (1) to describe the schools, teachers, and students eligible to participate in the activity, and (2) to assess whether randomization produced equivalent study groups.How do you apply evidence?
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