
Modeling Successful Reentry Practices in Colorado

Prepared For

Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab

This project continued the partnership between the Colorado Department of Corrections Division of Adult Parole, the Colorado Lab, and Mathematica. Under phase one, the partnership conducted an implementation study to examine the current landscape of reentry in Colorado and analyzed existing administrative data to better understand the pre- and post-release reentry services provided to individuals across the state.

Under phase two, the partnership focused on capacity-building and further leveraging existing data to support state reentry efforts. As a key component of the second phase, the project used statistical methods to explore how the Level of Service Inventory (LSI) risk assessment and its component scores can help identify which groups of individuals would benefit most from specific reentry services. We also examined potential strategies for further embedding the use of LSI component scores into the process for connecting individuals to reentry services prior to and following release.

The Colorado Lab and Mathematica also provided capacity-building support to the Latino Coalition for Community Leadership, an organization that provides administrative oversight for Colorado’s Work and Gain Education and Employment Skills (WAGEES) community-based reentry program. In collaboration with the Latino Coalition, we explored future opportunities for building upon and enriching existing data collection and continuous quality improvement across the state’s network of WAGEES providers.

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Marykate  Zukiewicz

Marykate Zukiewicz

Senior Researcher

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