Millennium Challenge Corporation
Three projects within the Compact invest in infrastructure to improve energy generation, transmission and distribution. The fourth project within the Compact, the Reform Project, aims to strengthen the capacity of the electric utility company Société Béninoise d’Energie Electrique (SBEE), the Electricity Regulatory Authority or Autorité de Régulation de l’Électricité (ARE), and other GoB institutions by providing technical assistance, establishing and adjusting tariff policy, incentivizing investment for Independent Power Producers, and communicating public information and education on energy efficiency. Our mixed methods evaluation will assess the performance of the many complementary activities that comprise the Reform Project, which, in conjunction with the three other Benin II Energy Compact-funded projects, are collectively expected to expand business production and productivity, increase economic opportunities for households, and improve Benin’s capacity to provide public and social services.
Our evaluation will assess implementation using a mixed-methods approach grounded in political economy, which will rely heavily on project monitoring data and key informant interviews and will include focus groups where appropriate. We will also conduct various analyses of each sub-activity’s outcomes to assess achievement of outcomes as expressed in the logic model and to assess trends in key outcomes. For the outcome analysis and for sustainability analyses of specific sub-activities, we will use administrative and survey data and corroborate our findings through qualitative methods.
Evidence & Insights From This Project
Evaluation of the Benin Policy Reform and Institutional Strengthening Project: Baseline and Implementation Status Report
This report provides baseline statistics and information about the implementation of Benin’s Power Compact Policy Reform and Institutional Strengthening Project, one of four projects implemented under the MCC-Benin Power Compact.
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