Project Overview
To quantify the impacts of the Kefeta program on the following outcomes measures: youth skills and engagement, access to services (including financial services, youth hubs and SRH/FP services) and labor market outcomes.
Kefeta is a $60 million USAID investment to improve youth livelihoods in Ethiopia, where more than one-third of the 110 million population are aged 15–29, constituting a youth bulge. Ethiopia would like to benefit from the potential of this demographic dividend by providing young people with better educational and employment opportunities and access to services to foster positive youth outcomes. The impact evaluation will help USAID and its partners assess program impacts and influence future youth programming in Ethiopia and regionally.
- Making Cents International
- Amref Health Africa
- Merq Consulting, Inc.
- USAID - Ethiopia
YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation (YP2LE)

USAID’s YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation (YP2LE) is a five-year project that seeks to generate and disseminate knowledge about the implementation and impact of positive youth development (PYD) and cross-sectoral approaches in international youth development programming. In Ethiopia, YP2LE is conducting an impact evaluation of the USAID Mission to Ethiopia (USAID/Ethiopia) Integrated Youth Activity (IYA), known as the Kefeta Activity. The $60-million Kefeta Activity covers a 5-year period (August 2021–August 2026). Led by Amref Health Africa (AMREF), Kefeta comprises a consortium of local and international agencies working collaboratively to empower Ethiopian youth to increase their economic opportunities, create youth-led enterprises, and improve their voice in local, regional, and national policy dialogue, as well as expand access to youth-friendly essential services. The Activity also seeks to strengthen the capacity of Ethiopian higher education institutions, youth-serving organizations, and health and financial service providers to support economic and civic engagement opportunities for youth aged 15–29, with an emphasis on out-of-school youth, university students, and technical vocational and educational and training (TVET) students.
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