
Evaluation of the Electricity Growth and Use in Developing Economies (e-GUIDE) Initiative


Project Overview


To (1) assess the outcomes and impact of the e-GUIDE Initiative to date; and (2) provide technical assistance to the Rockefeller Foundation and e-GUIDE team on how to develop theories of change, define impact measures, and monitor and learn from data-related interventions such as e-GUIDE.

Project Motivation

There is a lack of data and tools in low- and middle-income countries needed to efficiently and accurately develop energy plans. These gaps slow the pace of electrification and thereby impede economic growth. The e-GUIDE Initiative, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, aims to address this gap. Mathematica’s evaluation of the Initiative will inform the Rockefeller Foundation's future investments towards this goal.

Prepared For

The Rockefeller Foundation

Established in 2018, the e-GUIDE Initiative brings together engineers and scientists to develop data analytics techniques to inform energy planning and build the capacity of energy planners to use the new tools.

By improving information and capacity for energy planning in Sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia, e-GUIDE seeks to make energy planning processes more efficient and effective, increase investment in renewable energy solutions, and accelerate the pace of clean electrification in unserved and underserved areas. In doing so, the e-GUIDE Initiative contributes to the mission of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Power and Climate Initiative to extend renewable energy access and build a robust, low-carbon energy system.

Coinciding with e-GUIDE’s five-year mark, Mathematica's evaluation will answer questions about the technical quality, uptake, use, and influence of e-GUIDE's data products and activities and the effectiveness of the consortium's organizational structure. 

Our approach is to (1) establish a Theory of Change and prioritize evaluation and learning questions through a participatory process, (2) conduct a mixed-methods evaluation using qualitative and quantitative data, (3) analyze data to understand the breadth and depth of e-GUIDE’s reach and impact, and (4) facilitate learning through sense-making, reporting, and providing monitoring, evaluation, and learning advice.

Related Staff

Sarah Hughes

Sarah Hughes

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Kristine Bos

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Anthony D'Agostino

Anthony D'Agostino

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Evan Christo

Evan Christo

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Nicholas Bader

Nicholas Bader


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