
Evaluation of the Atlanta Public Schools Turnaround Strategy

Prepared For

Atlanta Public Schools

Atlanta Public Schools (APS) implements several key programs as part of a Turnaround Strategy to transform its lowest-performing schools and increase students’ achievement. The strategy includes academic and non-academic supports, support for turnaround school leaders, instructional coaching and targeted professional learning for teachers.

The Strategy also includes partnering with two charter providers to operate five turnaround schools. Mathematica’s evaluation will assess three goals: (1) implementation and impact of student-focused initiatives on academic and behavior outcomes; (2) implementation progress for operating models and the impact of partnering with nonprofit organizations on student and school outcomes; (3) implementation of supports for staff and nonacademic supports for students and exploring the feasibility of evaluating outcomes of these supports; and (4) APS’ overall approach to implementing the Turnaround Strategy. The three-year evaluation will include an implementation analysis based on data collected during annual site visits and multiple impact analyses using the most suitable methods specific activities related to the Strategy.

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