
Improving Reforms for Youth Involved in the Juvenile Justice System

2014 – 2020

Project Overview


From 2013 through 2018, Mathematica conducted a developmental evaluation of the deep-end reform to better understand what worked well, what could be improved, and what the lessons for the field were.

Project Motivation

Funded and supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, several communities across the United States have undertaken deep-end reform designed to safely and significantly reduce out-of-home placement for juveniles, especially for youth of color. 

Partners in Progress

Urban Institute 

Prepared For

The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Using a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative approach to collecting data, researchers from Mathematica and the Urban Institute collaborated on an evaluation of the deep-end reform and worked closely with the Annie E. Casey Foundation to develop and answer questions about it.
The Foundation began deep-end reform knowing the work would evolve, and wanted the evaluation to inform and strengthen the reform, track the changes it effected, and document sites’ successes and challenges. The evaluation team documented its findings in a summary report, four briefs (one each on improving data capacity, advancing probation reform, engaging youth and families, and pursuing racial and ethnic equity and inclusion), a journal article (published in Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice) on transforming juvenile probation through culture change, and technical appendixes documenting sites’ deep-end reform activities and describing the evaluation’s methods.

Related Staff

Megan  Hague Angus

Megan Hague Angus


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