
Ensuring Access to Residential Care for Children and Youth with Behavioral Health Needs


Project Overview


Examine the contributing factors, persisting challenges, ongoing disparities, and innovative state and federal policy approaches to addressing unmet needs for residential treatment.

Project Motivation

To deepen the understanding of Medicaid’s role in ensuring access to residential treatment for children and youth with behavioral health needs who are enrolled in Medicaid.

Partners in Progress

Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC)

Prepared For

Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission

Mathematica is partnering with MACPAC to learn about the tools that states have and need to provide access to residential treatment for children and youth enrolled in Medicaid with behavioral health needs.
This project includes: 1) A literature review on the current challenges and disparities in access to residential treatment services; 2) a federal policy review focuses federal Medicaid requirements for residential treatment, 3) interviews with state and federal officials and national experts will explore approaches to delivering and overseeing residential behavioral health care for Medicaid-enrolled children and youth.

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