Project Overview
Evaluate the effectiveness of MCC’s Agriculture Development Project in Burkina Faso, which is designed to improve agricultural productivity and incomes among farmers, livestock holders, and other actors in the agriculture and livestock value chain.
To understand the project’s effects on improved agricultural outcomes and land tenure security, both of which have been constrained in the past but are considered important to economic development.
- Prime Minister’s Office
- Millennium Challenge Account
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Given that the Di perimeter constituted the majority of MCC’s investment in the ADP, three of the evaluation components investigate different aspects of the construction and sustainability of the Di perimeter. First, the Di Lottery randomized controlled trial (RCT) leverages the land allocation lottery process to conduct an impact analysis of winning the Di Lottery. Second, the Di perimeter study assesses the effects of providing irrigated land on the perimeter as compensation for people displaced by the project and calculates the economic rate of return of the perimeter. Third, the final evaluation component investigates the ability of the new water-user associations to manage and maintain the perimeter infrastructure.
The evaluation will help build a better understanding of (1) the effects of investments in large-scale irrigation infrastructure on agricultural output and household incomes in Africa; (2) the effects of strengthening operations and management on the functioning of irrigated perimeters; and (3) the causal impact of receiving access to irrigated land on agricultural production, agricultural incomes, and household incomes. The Di Lottery RCT is a high-stakes RCT and the only such evaluation in which a subset of applicants received irrigated land. Since the lottery provided irrigated land to both men and women, we will be able to estimate the effects of providing land to females versus males.

An Evaluation of MCC’s Investment
With an investment of USD 89M, the Burkina Faso Agriculture Development Project constructed a 2,240-hector irrigation perimeter with expectations of increasing agricultural productivity and income for beneficiaries. Mathematica will evaluate the impact of the investment by analyzing:
- The land allocation lottery process via a randomized control trial (RCT)
- The effects of providing irrigated land as compensation for people displaced by the project
- The ability of new water-user associations to manage the infrastructure
- The effects of providing land to women versus men
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