
Assessing Models of Coordinated Services for Low-Income Children and Their Families

2018 - 2021

Project Overview


To learn more about how states and communities coordinate early care and education, family economic security, and/or other health and human services to support the well-being of children and families with low-incomes.

Project Motivation

This project builds on previous projects about coordinated services by identifying and learning more about the approaches to coordinating early care and education (ECE) with other health and human services at the state and local levels.

Prepared For

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation

By coordinating services for families, these approaches endeavor to move families out of poverty and support family well-being.

Coordinated services approaches seek to address the multi-faceted needs of families and to support children’s development by providing access to high quality early care and education, while simultaneously addressing additional family needs, such as parenting education, supports for family economic security, and other health and human services.

The project activities included:

  • A targeted literature synthesis;
  • A national scan of existing state and local coordinated services approaches that coordinate early care and education with family economic security and/or other health and human services;
  • Telephone interviews with select state and local coordinated services approaches identified in the scan; and
  • Virtual site visits with select state and local coordinated services approaches to gather more in-depth information about how they are serving families on the ground, including their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.

More information about this project, including this interactive map of state and local coordinated services approaches, can be found at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation website

Related Staff

Elizabeth Cavadel

Elizabeth Cavadel

Director, Research

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Scott Baumgartner

Scott Baumgartner

Senior Researcher

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Jessica Harding

Jessica Harding

Senior Researcher

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Nickie Fung

Nickie Fung


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