
Addressing Social Determinants of Children’s Health in Boston: Evaluation of Boston Children’s Collaboration for Community Health Grant Program


Project Overview


To generate insights on the contributions of community partnerships toward addressing barriers to health for children and families in Boston through support for data collection and analysis and ongoing learning.

Project Motivation

To learn from and grow the capacity of community organizations working across sectors to dismantle the social barriers to health equity: early childhood, healthy food access and physical activity, housing, economic stability, mental health, youth support systems, and community trauma.

Partners in Progress

Health Resources in Action

Prepared For

Boston Children’s Hospital’s Office of Community Health

Mathematica has teamed up with Boston Children’s Hospital to generate insights from its partners in the community who are working to improve health equity by addressing disparities in the social determinants of health for children, youth, and families in the greater Boston area.
Mathematica is conducting a multi-year evaluation to learn from community organizations that receive funding from Boston Children’s Collaboration for Community Health. The Collaboration for Community Health funds community organizations in several strategic areas: (1) early childhood education and parenting; (2) healthy food access and youth physical activity; (3) stable and affordable housing; (4) family economic stability and mobility; (5) youth support systems; (6) community trauma; and (7) mental health. Mathematica has worked closely with Boston Children’s to develop theories of change and evaluation plans for the overall initiative and each strategic area and incorporate evaluation requirements into funding applications and reports. 

Mathematica also works with funded partners in the community to build monitoring and evaluation capacity – including developing evaluation plans and reporting on progress to Boston Children’s. Using the data reported by funded partners, interviews with funded partner staff, and external data sources in greater Boston, Mathematica is conducting a process and outcome evaluation of the overall Collaboration for Community Health grant initiative. The process evaluation provides cross-cutting information about the successes and challenges of funded community partners, identifies areas for improvement and mid-course corrections, and identifies environmental or contextual factors associated with activities that can improve the health and well-being of children and families in the community. The outcome evaluation will examine results for the overall initiative and identify lessons learned for individual grantee’s projects.
Project Impact

Actions taken by partners to achieve systems change and cross-sector coordination that can advance health equity

The Collaboration has reached more than 34,000 children, families, residents, and providers across 22 Boston neighborhoods.

Annual Report 2021

Related Staff

Drew Koleros

Drew Koleros

Senior Researcher

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Dayna Gallagher

Dayna Gallagher


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