
1115 Demonstration Performance Metrics Database and Analytics (PMDA) System


Project Overview


To assist CVP (Customer Value Partners) with Requirements Development, Data Analysis, and Business Analysis in support of all 1115 PMDA releases.

Project Motivation

This contract is an extension of the prior one to create a performance metrics database and analytics (PMDA) solution to support the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) in the oversight, monitoring and evaluation of Medicaid section 1115 state demonstrations. On that project, Mathematica performed key analyses and  created requirements to convert paper-based, state-submitted 1115 demonstration reports into a systematic, centralized repository of 1115 demonstration information. 

We continued as the subcontractor of choice because of our prior experience in the design of the PMDA database and MicroStrategy reports, our knowledge of 1115 demonstrations, and our understanding of state submissions and key policy elements.

Prepared For

Customer Value Partners

We use our business analysis expertise married to our policy expertise on section 1115 demonstrations to help CVP to create and test a system that that automates the submission of states’ 1115 demonstration information to CMS.
Our client is CVP, and we are a subcontractor on their contract with CMS. CVP is a healthcare and next-gen technology consulting firm. The project is to build out the PMDA system that states will use to report 1115 demonstration monitoring metrics to CMS and to create analytical reports for CMS. Mathematica is primarily tasked with supporting CVP on Requirements Development, Data Analysis, and Business Analysis in support of all PMDA releases. Key project goals include: (1) developing standardization for monitoring metrics reporting and data collection for all demonstration types; (2) providing recommendations to CMS on requirements for states to improve data, information structure, and exchange solutions under section 1115 demonstrations; (3) supporting data modeling, programming, report development, testing, user training, and performing analytic extracts; (4) providing policy expertise in evaluating section 1115 demonstrations; (5) leveraging knowledge gained through the Medicaid 1115 Demonstration Support Contract ; (6) developing resources for implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of section 1115 demonstrations, and (7) working collaboratively as part of an Agile team led by CVP.

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