Lindsay Fox
Human Services

Lindsay Fox

Senior Researcher

Lindsay Fox specializes in designing and conducting quantitative evaluations of education and workforce programs. She is interested in making rigorous research more accessible and helping states, schools, and community-based organizations generate compelling evidence they can use to improve their programs and policies.

At Mathematica, Fox’s education studies include a project she directs providing technical assistance to the California Student Aid Commission to administer a large-scale survey on the cost of attendance for California’s college students. She has contributed to a synthesis of state validation studies of Tiered Quality Rating Improvement Systems for early learning programs and an evaluation of Math Corps, a mathematics enrichment and mentoring program. In the employment and workforce area, Fox helps lead the Better Careers Evaluation, which examines the effectiveness of an initiative aimed at moving low-wage Californians into middle-wage jobs. She also leads the data analysis and reporting of the Working Students Success Network project, an evaluation of the services that 19 community colleges in Washington State, California, Arkansas, and Virginia provide to help disadvantaged students complete training programs and achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Lindsay joined Mathematica in 2016 after earning her Ph.D. in the economics of education at Stanford University. Previously, she worked at Abt Associates, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and the Pikes Peak Community Foundation. Her work on K–12 teacher effectiveness and online higher education has been published in the American Economic Review, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Education Finance and Policy, and AERA Open.

  • Education Policy
  • Program Evaluation Methods
  • Value-added Measures
Focus Area Topics
  • Education
  • Postsecondary Education
  • Teacher and Principal Effectiveness
  • Human Services

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